Sunday, August 2, 2009

C-Reactive protein elevated in blood test?

according to a bloodtest result i have high levels of c reactive protein in blood. I have what is like a inflammation in my face ie like an infection but my doctor says its fibomyalgia.What causes me to feel so ill and have throbbing pains in my head and feel like its on fire.I initially thought it was sinusitis.Also my neck clicks and makes noises like meat tearing when I rotate it but again gp says its Fibroidmyalgia-but im wondering about rheumatoid athritis any suggestions? thanks

C-Reactive protein elevated in blood test?
I looked this up in my Diagnotics book for nurses and this is what I found.

C- reactive protein or CRP is an abnormal specific glycoprotein ( consists of carbohydrates %26amp; proteins)produced by the liver and excreted into blood.

Purpose of this test -

To detect the acute phase of inflammatory disease, such as exacerbations of rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatic fever.

And to monitor response to therapy, especially in acute rheumatic fever and rheumatoid arthritis.

The presence of CRP in serum indicates an acute inflammatory condition (tissue reaction to injury resulting from infectious or noninfectious causes).

A positive test for CRP commonly occurs in bacterial infections, such as TB and pneumococcal pneumonia, and in many noninfectious inflammatory conditions, like acute rheumatic fever, acute rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, malignancy, and myocardial infarction (condition caused by acclusion of one or more of the coronary arteries)

Postive CRP occurs during the last half of pregnancy and also accompanies the use of oral contraceptives, making detection of concomitant ( accessory; taking the place at the same time) inflammation difficult.

I think you are right! I got all of this info right out of my diagnotics book. Make a copy and take it to him or her. Guess they didn't read their book.
Reply:There is a blood test for rheumatoid arthritis.

It could also be lupus, but there is no definitive lab test for lupus. Does your facial inflammation look sort of like a butterfly across your nose and cheeks? That would be the characteristic butterfly rash of lupus. Do you feel worse when you are in the sun?

Autoimmune diseases are tricky and often come in groups. Make an appointment with a rheumatologist.
Reply:Rheumatoid arthritis is considered only if you have multiple joint inflammation and pain especially joints of fingers and wrists. The tests for RA are ANA and Rhematoid Factor.

Headaches r not common in RA. The neck pain u described could be Cervical Spondylosis. Did u get an MRI? Fibromyalgia cant be ruled out with what you descibed above. Do u have any other symptoms?
Reply:well that does sound similar to artheritis(sp?) but id go talk to your doctor more about it.

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