Sunday, August 2, 2009

How long after a D and C following a misscarriage does it take to release all pregnancy horomones?

I had a D and C on October 18, havent had a period yet, If I pee on a pergnancy test will it still show positive or does all that leave your system immediatly?

How long after a D and C following a misscarriage does it take to release all pregnancy horomones?
I can't answer your question, but I can empathize with you greatly. In November of 2001, I also lost a baby at 4 months gestation. It had died inside due to cord problems and they had to do a D and C. My insurance wouldn't cover anesthesia and I could not afford it, so I went without. It feels just like labor, except at the end all you have is post natal drainage, pain, and heartache. I don't know how it went for you, but that memory still haunts me today. I look at my two children now and think "there should be three". It's a horrible thing to go through. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. I think everything goes back to normal differently for every woman. It's just as if you have had a baby, with the placenta taken out and everything. I would say to give it 6 months. And don't cry so much. It's in God's hands. Think of it this way--the baby was taken by God and sent straight to heaven becuase it was sin free. It was an innocent soul, and it never had a chance to do anything bad. That's how I personally look at it. No judgment day for it, it's automatically in.
Reply:You should go back to your doctor for a follow up to make sure all the pregnancy hormones are out of your body.

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