Thursday, July 30, 2009

How Can I Detox T.H.C. Overnight For a Piss Test, Heavy Smoker?

You can't. It will test positive in your urine for over a month if you have been smoking for a long time. It will test positive in a hair follicle for 3-6 months, depending on how long/how much you've used.

Overnight? Absolutely no way. There's nothing you can drink, eat or do to get it out overnight...or two nights...or three nights...or

How Can I Detox T.H.C. Overnight For a Piss Test, Heavy Smoker?
You can't. Youre screwed.
Reply:drink as much water as you can stand, then get up early and drink that much more, your only hope is that your kidneys get flooded and you just pass water.. even then its a chance you get caught
Reply:T.H.C or cannabis to others withdraws from your system fully after three months so if you have any issues phone Frank
Reply:Well, T.H.C. could take time, but here is a link to a website, you might read over it...
Reply:You get advance warning? Most places now can just send you at random for a drug test, no warning. People were resorting to crazy things like using other people's urine. That's how one guy found out that his girlfriend was pregnant!
Reply:there is something that you can buy, i cant think of the name but it makes you piss a lot and you have to drink a lot of water and it will flush your system out. or you could put a cap full of bleach in about a gallon of water and drink that. or drink a lot of pickle juice or vinegar. all those methods should work. try them out
Reply:You can't. Part of the cost of being a drug addict is the loss of job, freedom, opportunities etc. You are a pariah for good reason. And nothing you do can prevent others from finding out.

And getting rid of you.
Reply:Buy worked for my bro, but you got to make sure to drink the entire bottle, i know it's gross, but hey you gotta do what you gotta do...available at GNC...
Reply:go to a head shop and buy a kit that cleans your system.
Reply:NO matter what answers you get, here, the truth is that you can't. THC is one of the hardest substances for your body to metabolize in any short time.

Even people who claimed to have only been exposed to second hand smoke have been caught.

What few stories have been circulating about products you can buy to clear this stuff out have been shown to be will withing the statistical limits of "false negative" readings. There have been plenty of people, taking these products, who have still been caught. Read the packages of these products for yourself. Do ANY of these offer a guarantee of effectiveness?

By the way, many of the latest drug screens will test for those "diluting" substances, and a positive result fore these will be read the same as a positive result for the drug. If you doubt this, or question the fairness of it, please remember: A refusal to take the test, or even the inability to pee within a reasonable time of being asked to is considered an automatic "positive" result.

Drinking lots of water to dillute the strength of the THC won't help. Drinking water will not dilute the blood, nor will the excess water reach the fat tissue where the THC is stored. Your body will only take as much water is it can use. The rest just passes through.
Reply:weed is in ur system 4 28 days but u can go to the health food store they got drink work over night
Reply:Depending on the test. I doubt if its a test of any quality you are going to pass. You should quit smoking and give it at least 30 days to get out of your system.

I used it once and passed for a job.(i'm saturated!)

It must be natural. If the package says synthetic or non-flush it will not work. You must feel the flush (hotneess) for it to work.

Dont use gold seal and such. Some places test for that. Niacin is just a vitamin.

This works by bonding to the thc, making it harder to detect.

Take a couple in the morn, and some thru the day.

Drink enough water to keep your pee moving but don't over do it. You want your pee to have creatine in it (it should be light yellow)

Don't do this all the time as it is hard on your liver.

Good luck and keep puffin!

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