Thursday, July 30, 2009

What is the average hep c window period?

What is the averege hep c window period before you can test positive or negative for hep c?I just had a test done at 11 weeks and am waiting for the results which i should get in a few days.Please the anxiety is killing me and i dont know how i will handle to live with this illness

What is the average hep c window period?
I am not sure if there is a window period? I think that if you have the virus it will show up in your blood test. The most important thing would be to stop drinking alcohol, not to take any drugs and to take the least amount of any medication as possilble. In short you really have to look after yourself.

If you do test positive a healthy diet is really important, like lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, fish and chicken and drink lots and lots of spring water daily. It is also important not to put yourself under a lot of stress,and have a good nights sleep. Sounds simple but if can really make a difference to your health. If you have hep c depending on which geno-type you have there are treatments available, which work better when you first contract the virus. Are you going throught a local doctor or a liver clinic at a hospital?
Reply:The window to test for the antibodies is 2-24 weeks, with most people showing a reaction by 3 months. You can also do a viral load (PCR test), but that is very expensive. The PCR detects any live virus in your blood. However, without a positive antibody test, your insurance may not pay for it. Without insurance it is around $700.

By the way, Hep c can be managed and treated. Most people live with hep c and die from something else. That doesn't mean it should be ignored or not treated. Cross that bridge if and when you come to it. Best wishes.

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