Thursday, July 30, 2009

I had a natural m/c in feb this year, next period very slight, now week late and pos test. stomach huge?

after scan and no viable feotus i had bleed, bright red but not heavy. was told to do preg test two weeks later which was neg. next period very slight, and now seven days late and a pos test with digital one. preg symptoms continued after m/c and now just v.tired but stomach very swollen. am i five weeks or possibly lost a twin and now fourteen.

I had a natural m/c in feb this year, next period very slight, now week late and pos test. stomach huge?
I'd go straight to your GP and ask for a scan. Something similar happened to someone i know and they had a scan to check if they had lost a twin but it turned out she was pregnant again just happened straight after she mc.

Good luck hope it goes well.
Reply:It's possible you could be pregnant again. Make an appointment with your doctor and tell him what's been going on and about your stomach being swollen.

If he fobs you off demand to see another doctor and demand another scan coz you know that something is different.
Reply:the only way to get this checked is by going to your doctors and having another scan. when i miscarried in december, i bled for 6 weeks, i have had nothing since but am still continuing to have pregnancy symptoms.... i was scared to go back to the docs because i thought they would laugh me out of the office because i was getting negative tests, when i got there and explained (and he looked at me!!!) he told me i should have gone months ago, im now getting my test results on thursday, because your test was negative then positive its possible its a new pregnancy. call your gp as soon as you can. good luck, let us know how you get on. xx


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