Monday, May 24, 2010

Is it possible for a blood test to be inaccurate?

I went to the doc in September about 2/3 weeks after I wouldve gotten pregnant and had a blood test done, it came back negative...but in Oct/ period was only 3 days and not very heavy and its normally 5 days for, now its nearly Dec and i would be 10 weeks this week if i am pregnant...i have nausea, but its the FATIGUE that is killing me, i cant really function...could they have missed it? Could my levels had been too low at the time of the test? Could i possibly be pregnant??? Im confused!! Oh and I started BC pills in Oct and around the end of Oct and early Nov, they started making my period come RANDOMLY!! Seriously, so I quit taking them b/c i aint know what is going on! So, anyone wit a similar story, let me kno, im curious to know if i could be pregnant...i wont test till my period is missed for Dec, IF it is missed, if not, i wont worry about it. Oh and this strange inkling for a pickle and some Cookies%26amp;Cream ice cream, too...really dunno.

Is it possible for a blood test to be inaccurate?
Here is the thing girlfriend,

sometimes the hormone that is elevated in our bloodstream when we are pregnant is called beta HCG. But sometimes the levels are too low to detect on a blood test, at the time we are starting to feel weird, fatigue, and having cravings especially if we were having some of these feeling when we were PMSing.

Some suggestion would be is to go back and get another pregnancy test, and another, until you get a regular period. Make note of the bata HCG count, if the number is increasing from 0 with each test you are pregnant, if it decrease with each one two things may have happened you are pregnant, and now you are loosing it. HOPE NOT.

Either way you have an answer and you can doing something, and quickly. GOOD LUCK.
Reply:My doctor once told me that a positive is always other words if the test comes out positive then you're pregnant and there's no need to retake the test because the answer wont change, it will always be positive. However, a negative is not always negative. Your harmone levels could be low enough that the test won't pick up on it. I stopped taking my birthcontrol and now get random periods when I was always regular (even without the pills). Stress causes me to be late too. And I always have cravings right before I get my period for chocolate and other sweets, so you may just be off because you stopped your birthcontrol. Hope this helped. GOOD LUCK!
Reply:Get another test done. I was always tired very tired when I was in the first three months of pregnancy's.
Reply:I had a blood test done when my period was late and it came back borderline. Then 2 days later I had another one and it was positive. If you are worried get another one done. Also... I crave pickles and bananas together. One in each hand, one bite of one, one bite of the other, then back to the first. YUMMY!!!!!!!
Reply:You and me are in a much similar boat. except i didnt start takin my pills again and im not really craving anything. just super tired all the time. I havent had a period since Aug and when i went and got a blood test in september they said it was neg. So i believe they can be wrong.
Reply:Try again maybe your pregnant or you have pregnancy hysteria which is you show signs of pregnancy but its all in your head.
Reply:Yes it is possible to have a inaccurate blood test but the percentage of that happening is rare
Reply:Definitely get retested. If it comes back negative again, you might have some other medical condition. Call that doc up!
Reply:All blood tests can be inaccurate.

There is a big thing about lab errors all over the country.

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